Monday, June 27, 2011

Colorful Wool

Before wool is made into yarn it is usually washed (sheep can get pretty mucky!) and sometimes it is dyed. It's easy to dye wool in a rainbow of colors, basically all you need is pigment and acid. The acid is necessary for the wool fibers to absorb the pigment so that it will be color-fast after the dying process. Heat is usually used to speed up the color absorption.
All of the wool in the picture ^^above^^ was colored with non-toxic dyes, either food coloring or Kool-Aid. Yup, Kool-Aid! One small package of Kool-Aid comes complete with enough pigment (food coloring) and acid (citric acid, ascorbic acid) to dye one ounce of wool. If I use plain liquid food coloring then I would add vinegar for the acid. I have fun mixing different flavors of Kool-Aid and/or drops of food coloring to get just the right colors!

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